Privacy Policy

Animal Alliance Veterinary Physiotherapy acts in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) under the Data Protection Act 2018. This Privacy Policy sets out how Animal Alliance Veterinary Physiotherapy uses and protects any information that you may provide.

Animal Alliance is a Veterinary Physiotherapy mobile service that predominately covers London and Greater London, we do on occasion travel outside this area.

Animal Alliance Veterinary Physiotherapy is fully committed to protecting your privacy. This policy alongside the Terms and Conditions sets out the way in which any data provided to us by you, or collected by us will be held or processed. Due to the nature of our service as a para-veterinary professional service we have a legitimate interest in collecting and holding certain details/information and data of our clients and patients to provide the best service we can.

By using our services, registering, and using our website you consent to us holding, collecting, and using your personal information and data provided to us. We require this information and data to effectively treat your pets/animals and for legal reasons.

Types of information/data Animal Alliance Veterinary Physiotherapy may collect or store:

  • Name and address of client.

  • Contact information such as phone numbers and email addresses.

  • Family/personal history/environment of the animal/pet where applicable and only if related to the animal/pet’s wellbeing or treatment such as when devising home plans.

  • Pet/animal details and history including but not limited to; name, species/breed, age, temperament and any relevant current or previous veterinary history.

  • Pet insurance details.

  • Photos/videos of yourself with your animal/pet or just your pet/animal (for use in social media and or promotion or education purposes), only with permission.

  • Details of appointments/any relevant medical/environmental findings in the form of notes which you will also receive as and when necessary and can request at any time.

  • Any other information/data which may be deemed reasonably required to carry out our services.

When this information may be requested:

  • On the initial registration form

  • Requesting/making/changing an appointment

  • Any assistance with an insurance claim for your pet/animal

  • Liaising with your veterinarian

  • Sending an enquiry to us

  • Any other time as and when reasonably required

Why this information may be requested:

The information and data we collect, and store is for us to provide the absolute best care possible. It is so we can fully understand both you and your pet/animals needs and wants.

We may collect your information/data for any of the following reasons (this is not an exhaustive list but details the most common):

  • For booking, changing, or cancelling appointments

  • To send the treatment plans and remedial exercise plans

  • To send your animal/pet’s notes and any relevant medical or environmental findings

  • To best treat your animal/pet and maintain up to date and appropriate medical records

  • To ensure as and when appropriate your primary veterinarian is kept up to date

  • To keep you up to date about your animal/pet’s care and reminders of treatment

  • To contact you about your animal/pet, your credit status or account when applicable

  • To obtain and request any previous veterinary history or current medical history

  • To keep you up to date with our services and any changes to services

  • To process payments for provided services

  • To assist with insurance claims

  • To send any promotional or seasonal offers or upcoming events you may benefit from

  • To send any newsletters or educational information that is in the best interest of your pet/animal to improve care, welfare, and owner education. We consider this information/communication vital to maintaining and improving the health, welfare and treatment of your pet/animal and for us to offer the high level of service we strive for. Therefore, we do not deem it necessary to ask you to opt into such communications. You are of course able to request to opt out of certain communications whenever you please, but all necessary communications directly related to your animal/pet’s treatments and sessions will still need to be received.

  • Data related to online access to our website and socials, such as dates, times and visits will automatically be collected varying by provider used (for detailed information regarding their privacy policy please refer to the individual site such as Facebook’s own privacy policy)

  • We may contact you via, calls, SMS, social media, post or emails

When we may share your data:

We do not and will not sell or lease any of your data.

The following details whom we may share your data/information with:

  • If required or requested by Law enforcement to prevent any unlawful activity

  • Your primary veterinarian and other veterinary practices if applicable such as emergency or referral centres

  • You pet/animals insurance provider if applicable

  • Pet microchipping companies if applicable

  • Debt collection agencies to assist us with recovering unpaid debt

How long your information is kept:

We store your data/information for as long as lawfully and reasonably required to provide and comply with our services provided.

Your information is kept up to date while you are registered with us, after this we will continue to hold your information/data for a reasonable period after even if you are no longer registered with us or an active client. This is to fully comply with the legal requirements for us and of our professional regulators’, insurers’ and associations’. Once this period has passed we will dispose of you data/information securely and if we have any physical copies these will be shredded.

Social Media:

While we do our best to hold your information securely the transmission of information via the internet is not always completely secure so please bare this in mind when transmitting data via our website and do so at your own risk. Once we have your data we will of course comply with security features and procedures to try to prevent unauthorised access.

Please do note if you share information with us via social media or public forums online, we are unable to manage that information and who sees it. If you are concerned about anything please see the individual platforms privacy policy.

If you are obliging to it (such as if you follow us on social media), we may on occasion engage with you via our social media (such as tagging you in a post about your animal or their progress). Please do note if you follow us on social media and engage with us we may see your social media posts and the information you have shared on that platform, but please do rest assured we do not store or collect any of this information.

If we are contacted by you on our social media channels such as Instagram or Facebook chats, we may keep the messages within the original messaging platforms for as long as is reasonable. If you are concerned about anything held within the chat portals please see that platforms privacy policy.

Any public posts, photos or videos related to/of our services, or feedback such as reviews, comments, tags or public mentions that you make may be used by us for marketing, promotional, educational and/or publicity purposes in any media worldwide, we will of course exclude any sensitive personal data or information.


Any telephone calls may be monitored or recorded for training purposes and/or to ensure our high standards of quality customer service are maintained. We may also record or monitor telephone calls for fraud prevention.

Cookie policy:

Cookies are used on websites to store small amounts of data/information this is collected for traffic analysis.

When accessing our website please do bear in mind that some data and information will be collected about you and when you use it. Like most websites, our website uses cookies for ease of use for you on our website and so that we can improve and monitor it, you will be asked to consent to the use of cookies upon your first visit to our website. It is completely up to you whether you would like to accept/refuse or block cookies. To be able to use the website at optimum capacity it is recommended you accept them.

Your rights under GDPR:

(The following is stipulated on the UK gov website)

Under the Data Protection Act 2018, you have the right to find out what information Animal Alliance Veterinary Physiotherapy holds.

These include the right to:

  • Be informed about how your data is being used

  • Access personal data

  • Have incorrect data updated

  • Have data erased

  • Stop or restrict the processing of your data

  • Data portability (allowing you to get and reuse your data for different services)

  • Object to how your data is processed in certain circumstances

Access to your data:

You have the right to access any of the personal data/information we hold of you. If you wish to request a copy of any or all of your data/information we hold please email us and we will provide this within 30 days.

Deletion of data/information:

You have the right to request deletion of your data/information. If due to legal requirements/reasons that expect us to keep data on file for a certain amount of time we will need to seek professional advice before deletion, we will inform you of the decision within 30 days.

When information may be withheld:

There may be some exceptional circumstances in which we may be required to withhold information. We do not need to specify the reason but will inform you there may be a delay.

The following is an example from the UK GOV website (regarding data protection) of situations that may require data to be withheld:

  • The prevention, detection, or investigation of a crime

  • National security or the armed forces

  • The assessment or collection of tax

  • Judicial or ministerial appointments

Keeping data up to date:

If there are any changes to the data/information we hold for you (such as address changes, pet details etc), please do get in contact as soon as possible. To fulfil our services as best we can we need up to date information that is as current as possible. Any changes no matter how small may be important. So please do let us know of any changes as soon as you are able to.

Privacy Policy changes:

Animal Alliance Veterinary Physiotherapy may adapt or alter this policy on occasion, any changes made to this policy will be updated and reposted on the privacy policy section of our website, so please check back to ensure you are happy with any changes. If appropriate we will also notify you via email.

Questions or queries regarding our Privacy Policy:

If you have any questions or queries please get in contact via email (

Complaints process:

If you are unhappy and would like to make a complaint about how we are processing your data please do contact us via our email ( If this is not dealt with within 30 days, you have the right to make a compliant to the information commissioners office (ICO) in the UK.