Terms and Conditions

(2024 version)

Please read through thoroughly and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in contact.  

Definitions of terms/Interpretations:

  • Service provider - Animal Alliance Veterinary Physiotherapy is the servicer provider also referred to as either, "We", "Us" or “Our”, “Service provider” also “animal alliance” and “the physiotherapist”.

  • “You”, “the client” means the individual accessing and using the services we provide, including “your animal”, “your pet” as these are entities we are providing a service for on your behalf.

  • Service/services - the provision of any veterinary physiotherapy services provided to your animal, utilising any facilities, equipment, goods and materials deemed necessary to provide optimal service. This may include other services agreed with you as a client that are reasonably necessitated.

  • Terms and Conditions - also “terms”, “conditions” mean these terms and conditions detailed in this document that make up the the agreement between Animal Alliance Veterinary Physiotherapy and the client regarding use of services and provision of services.

Veterinary Consent and Correspondence: 

  • Musculoskeletal therapists such as veterinary physiotherapists must work in accordance with the veterinary surgeons act 1966. This means any injured animal or those with health problems must receive veterinary consent prior to physiotherapy.

  • This allows treatment to an animal under veterinary care once a veterinary surgeon has first examined the animal. Therefore, all clients who are under care from their veterinarian must have a referral or consent from their veterinarian before any physiotherapy may commence.  

          • If you have not been referred to Animal Alliance veterinary physiotherapy directly from your veterinarian, a referral/consent form must be sent to your veterinarian and filled out to ensure your veterinarian is happy for physiotherapy to go ahead before any sessions can begin. (We have a very quick and easy referral form for vets embedded on our website).

          • Any information on treatments, outcomes, healing and behaviour for your animal may be shared with your referring/consenting vet.  

  • According to guidance found in Section 19 of the supporting guidance of the veterinary surgeons act and the veterinary surgeons (exemptions) order (2015) states that healthy animals do not require veterinary referral for maintenance care.  

          • If your animal is being seen for musculoskeletal maintenance although this does not require veterinary consent. Animal Alliance veterinary physiotherapy will not treat an animal that is not registered with a suitable veterinarian. 

          • Animal Alliance veterinary physiotherapy also reserves the right to disclose any concerns to the veterinarian the animal is registered with if the physiotherapist deems it necessary. By agreeing and going ahead with the sessions you are agreeing that you are happy for the physiotherapist to liaise with the animal’s vet and share findings whenever the physiotherapist deems it necessary.  

          • If there is any indication of underlying injury, disease or pathology found by Animal Alliance veterinary physiotherapy you as the owner will be advised to contact your primary veterinarian as soon as possible and physiotherapy sessions will cease until the animal is deemed fit for physiotherapy again by your veterinarian. Animal Alliance veterinary physiotherapy may also contact and refer to the animal’s vet with any information or concerns found.  

  • Your vet may be contacted for further information and history regarding anything medical,  behavioural and/or environmental for the animal in treatment.  

  • If the physiotherapist arrives at the session and deems the animal not a suitable candidate for physiotherapy, no treatment will be given and the session will stop. This will still be chargeable at full price with no refund given, at the discretion of the physiotherapist and depending on the situation, the session may be rescheduled. The owner will also be told to contact the referring/consenting vet or the animal’s primary veterinarian if the session was for maintenance. Physiotherapy can commence again once the animal is deemed fit for physiotherapy by their primary veterinarian. Animal Alliance veterinary physiotherapy may also contact the veterinarian directly with any findings or concerns.  

  • All animals treated should be up to date on any necessary vaccinations and preventative medications (such as flea and worming treatments) suitable for the species and animal in question.   

  • If your pet’s condition worsens just before or when under treatment with us, or if your vet advises to pause treatment you are required to notify us as soon as possible.  



  • Prior to any appointment or session with us, you must register and consent to treatment by completing a registration form.

          • The details you provide and confirm to, in the registration form must be up-to-date, correct and fully complete.

  • If we do not receive a completed registration form prior to the session, the session will not go ahead.

  • To use our services you must be 18 or over and agree to the terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Payment and Cancellations: 

  • All payments must be paid up front and in full unless agreed upon by Animal Alliance Veterinary Physiotherapy prior to the session. Until payment is received the session will not be confirmed and the slot may be taken by another client. 

  • Cancellations must be made via phone, text or email at least 48hrs before the appointment day to avoid charges. Any cancellations before 48hrs can be rescheduled. Any cancellations made within 48hrs may not be able to be rescheduled and are payable at the full rate with no refund given.  

  • If your animal has an illness or contagious disease for example kennel cough, strangles or has been in contact with an animal that has been diagnosed with a contagious illness or disease, you must let Animal Alliance Veterinary Physiotherapy know as soon as possible via text, phone or email. If this is within 48hrs of your appointment, please don’t worry the session will be rearranged with no charges. This is one of the only exceptions to the cancellation rule. If you knowingly allow your animal to be treated when you know they have an illness or disease that is contagious you may be liable for any fall out to other clients’ animals. This is taken extremely seriously as it may endanger our more vulnerable animal clients.  

  • If your animal becomes unwell but it is not contagious prior to any sessions please get in contact as soon as possible to discuss if treatment would be appropriate, or if it is best to rearrange the session (even within 48hrs of the session).   

  • Clients are to understand that while every effort is made to arrive to the session on time the physiotherapist may arrive late on occasion due to factors out of their control, such as an emergency case. We will notify you as soon as possible and the full length of treatment will of course still be given.  

  • Clients are to understand that while every effort is made to attend the sessions, on very rare occasions the physiotherapist may be unable to attend and have to cancel the session due to factors out of their control, such as an emergency. We will notify you as soon as possible and the session will of course be rearranged.


Providing a suitable environment for physiotherapy: 

  • While Animal Alliance may work from veterinary practices on occasion, Animal Alliance is mostly a mobile veterinary physiotherapy service treating animals within their own home/environment, we therefore require a suitable environment to be provided by the owner/client.  

  • Please ensure all animals are clean and dry, with fur clear of mud and matting that may interfere with or hinder treatment.  

  • Please ensure on the day of your appointment your pet/animal has not completed vigorous or extensive exercise before the appointment or after the appointment.   

          • We may also advise reduced exercise in the days following treatment this will of course be expressed to you on the day and advised in the notes given after.  

  • All animals need a clean, flat space, free of other animals.  

          • For horses or livestock, a stable or stall is perfect or a quiet dry outdoor space where they can be held by a handler or tied up (as long as they are calm and quiet or a handler will be needed).  

          • Canines, felines and other small pets may need to lie down, so often their favourite room with their bed or a mat is perfect. Sometimes they may need to be held till accustomed to physiotherapy so keep a lead on hand.   

  • For canines/felines if they are nervous or exhibiting pain/fear related aggression, a muzzle may be needed to be used for the physiotherapist’s safety and to carry on the session.  

          • If you know your dog often requires a muzzle for treatment when you visit a vet or the animal is touch aggressive please do have a muzzle ready and on.  

          • For felines there are cat specific muzzles that may need to be used initially. 

          • Once the sessions begin often both dogs and cats respond well, finding the sessions relaxing and enjoyable. It is then up to the physiotherapists discretion as to whether to remove the muzzle or not.   

  • The owner/client must be on hand to assist with the handling of their animal for the treatment session if needed.  

          • This is especially important for the initial consultation as the animal will need to be walked and trotted up for the physiotherapist to observe the animal’s movement.  

  • Although Animal Alliance veterinary physiotherapy will do everything to try to complete the session. If a suitable environment for physiotherapy is not met or the animal is aggressive the treatment may not be able to go ahead, but will be charged at the full rate as it falls within the 48hr notice period as it is up to the owner to provide a suitable environment. 

Potential refusal of treatment of animals: 

  • Animal Alliance veterinary physiotherapy reserve the right to refuse custom/treatment to anyone deemed appropriate by the physiotherapist. The session will still be chargeable at full price with no refund given, as all details of why this may occur is detailed throughout the terms and conditions and it is up to the owner/client to ensure all suitable requirements are met.  


  • The following are examples of why this may be but doesn’t include an exhaustive list; lack of veterinary consent, the animal requires immediate veterinary attention, veterinary treatment is required before physiotherapy, the animal or owner are considered a threat or danger to the physiotherapist, the animal has visible fleas, ticks or lice, the physiotherapist suspects an infectious disease may be present, it is not possible to complete treatment due to extremely muddy or wet fur, or the area provided for treatment is unsuitable.  


  • Animal Alliance reserves the right to re-schedule or cancel any appointment with no notice. We will of course make every effort to provide notice or a suitable substitute appointment wherever possible. 

Client Insurance: 

  • If you are claiming through insurance approval must be arranged with your insurer, and often your referring veterinarian prior to treatment otherwise the insurance company may not reimburse you for sessions. All payments for sessions must be made upfront by the client to Animal Alliance Veterinary Physiotherapy and then claimed back in accordance with your insurer. We are happy to fill in paperwork or evidence to be sent off if your insurer requires it.  

  • Please be aware different insurance companies have slightly different policies and rules, while we will do our best to advise and assist, it is up to you as a client to be aware of your insurance and what they offer.


Consent for Photos/Videos: 

  • Photos or videos of animals before, during and after treatments may be taken for educational and marketing purposes for use by Animal Alliance veterinary physiotherapy and Ariel Ward (principal physiotherapist for Animal Alliance veterinary physiotherapy). If you do not want photos or videos of your animal\s to be taken and used for educational and/or marketing purposes, please do let Animal Alliance veterinary physiotherapy know either via text or email or verbally in a session. 


  • If you wish to change your mind this can done at any time by emailing us, please do note however that some photos may have already been used, seen and shared by the public. Whilst we can delete photos from our sources it is out of our hands if any photos/posts have been screenshot or shared amongst the general public when permission was granted.  


Privacy Policy: 

  • Animal Alliance veterinary physiotherapy takes all clients privacy extremely seriously and complies with GDPR general data protection regulations.  


  • As an active member of the NAVP, we also strictly adhere to the code of conduct outlined by the NAVP.  

          • No contact details or personal data will ever be shared to third parties, all data is stored securely. 

          • No payment details are stored or visible. 

          • The right to request deletion of your personal data is yours to exercise at any given point.  

  • For more thorough information regarding our privacy policy please see the privacy policy document on our website and also attached to the initial consultation booking email.  

Pricing of Services:

    • Initial Consultation prices:

          • Equine, Canine, Feline, Livestock (approximately lasting 1hr to 1hr15mins)  - £85

          • Small domestics (approximately lasting 45mins - 1hr)  - £65

    • Follow-up/maintenance sessions:

          • Equine, Canine, Feline, Livestock (approximately lasting 50 mins)  - £80

          • Small domestics (approximately lasting 40mins)  - £60

    • Package of 6 sessions:

          • Equine, Canine, Feline, Livestock - £440

          • Small domestics - £330

    • Package of 12 sessions:

          • Equine, Canine, Feline, Livestock - £880

          • Small domestics - £660

Changes to Terms and Conditions: 

  • On occasion we may need to change these terms and conditions without providing you notice but will endeavour to notify you as soon as possible of any changes made if they are applicable to you.